Beef Island Taxi Association, proudly serving for almost 30 years

The Beef Island Taxi Association was in 1993 incorporated with a membership of thirty (30) full-time taxi drivers. Presently, the membership consists of eight-teen (18) full-time taxi drivers who have four hundred plus (400+) years of experience in the transportation business, and nine (9) part-time drivers. The Association has a minimum of twenty (20) vehicles in its fleet operating regularly. Individually, on a day to day basis, these taxis operate from the Airport, transporting as few as one (1) passenger, to a maximum of twenty-seven (27) passengers. The Association has the capacity however, to move groups of three hundred (300+) plus passengers collectively at any given time.

The fleet includes but is not limited to:

  • Five (5) twenty-five (25) passenger safaris (open air) vehicles;
  • Six (6) elven (11) passenger, airconditioned club wagons; (with bags)
  • Three (3) elven (11) passenger, airconditioned mini buses; (with bags)
  • Two (2) six (6) passenger airconditioned luxury cars.

Services offered by the Association include but are not limited to:

  • Hourly and day charters;
  • Trips to the Beach;
  • Trips to Road Town;
  • Island tours;
  • Hiking trips to Sage Mountain; and
  • Pick-up and delivery of packages.

The Association can be contacted, until further notice, via the following telephone numbers:

1-284-496-6708 Mr. Delvin Green,
1-284-547-7352 Mr. Ernest Jacob or
1-284-499-1542Mr. Alnando Fahie
Email: or


BVI Airports Authority
Road Town, Tortola
British Virgin Islands

+1 (284) 394-8000